At the very end of February I officially completed my Doctor of Philosophy, awarded for my thesis, Process Mining with Labelled Stochastic Nets. The full thesis is freely available for download.

A quick overview of the topics can be found on this very blog:

Chapter 5, on calculating Trace Probability on Probabilistic Process Trees, has not been published elsewhere as yet, though I’m sure Netflix will scoop it up for a three-movie deal now the news is out.

Full acknowledgements are in the thesis itself, but I especially want to thank my supervisors Prof Moe Wynn, Prof Sander Leemans, and Prof Arthur ter Hofstede. Both Moe and Sander took turns as my primary supervisor and were very involved from start to finish, even when inconveniently located on the other side of the world.

Decorative collage of thesis images


Burke, A.T. (2024). ‘Process Mining with Labelled Stochastic Nets’. PhD thesis, Queensland University of Technology.